Dr Allen Hill - Masters in Sustainability Programme (at Ara) Dr Allen Hill is a Principal Lecturer and Programme Leader of the Postgraduate Sustainable Practice programme at ARA Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch. Allen’s professional career, in education, is characterised by an enduring commitment to the development of people coupled with a strong concern for issues of...
ZIGZAG 101 Are you struggling with Facebook? Do you want to become a Facebook marketing pro and grow your business? Are you struggling to understand the ‘algorithm’ and how to best target your ideal customers? Let me teach you how to effectively manage your business Facebook page and run Facebook advertising campaigns for success. Zigzag...
Weekly on Wednesdays at the EPIC Innovation Centre, cnr Manchester and Tuam Become a confident public speaker Fun and supportive Think on your feet Meetings run from 12:15pm to 1:15pm on Wednesdays. Victoria Toastmasters is a friendly and fun club. As a member of the Toastmasters community we help and support members to reach their goals. Whether you...
NZTech Alliance Tech Alliance Event Series – HOW WILL AI TRANSFORM THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ACROSS FINANCIAL SERVICES Join AI Forum NZ and FinTechNZ at the first joint event of the Tech Alliance 2019 event series, exploring how AI will transform the customer experience across the financial services industry. A recent international report on AI in...
Seminar for a visiting group about the earthquakes and post-quake context of Christchurch Open to tenants only
Zigzag 102 Facebook Advertising Are you struggling with Facebook? Do you want to become a Facebook marketing pro and grow your business? Are you struggling to understand the ‘algorithm’ and how to best target your ideal customers? Let me teach you how to effectively manage your business Facebook page and run Facebook advertising campaigns for...
IT Professionals NZ Understanding mental illness and suicide prevention in the workplace REGISTER NOW Following on from the well-received ITP National event at the end of 2018, the ITP ChCh branch will commence the new year with a further event regarding wellness in the workplace. The World Health Organisation believes that depression is the leading...
Coffee & Jam is Christchurch's longest running weekly meet up for entrepreneurial-minded people. It’s a great place to see ordinary people doing extraordinary things, be inspired, network, and share in an innovative space. This week's speakers are: Johanna van Aalst - SheEO SheEo is a global community of women who have created a...
Weekly on Wednesdays at the EPIC Innovation Centre, cnr Manchester and Tuam Become a confident public speaker Fun and supportive Think on your feet Meetings run from 12:15pm to 1:15pm on Wednesdays. Victoria Toastmasters is a friendly and fun club. As a member of the Toastmasters community we help and support members to reach their goals. Whether you...
What we're about We are a collection of Game Developers from industry, students, enthusiasts, and hobbyists who meet to discuss all facets of Game Development. We meet monthly and for now its pretty low-key. Check us out on: Web: https://chch.gamedev.co.nz Facebook: https://fb.me/CHCHGameDev Twitter: @CHCHGameDev (https://twitter.com/CHCHGameDev) Discord: https://discord.gg/68YqqFZ And help support our meetup on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/CHCHGameDev ----- 6:15...
Coffee & Jam is Christchurch's longest running weekly lunch break for the entrepreneurial, startup, and innovation ecosystem. It’s a great place to see ordinary people doing extraordinary things, be inspired, network, and share in an innovative space. At Coffee & Jam, you will meet new people in the Christchurch entrepreneurial ecosystem and you’ll hear from...
SHIFT INDUSTRY SHOWCASE SIGNAL ICT Grad School grows and develops Tech Professionals for NZ. industry showcase to celebrate the success of the 2018 SHIFT cohort! Tech is NZ's third largest export earner, and is a rapidly expanding, dynamic industry with a range of qualified people required, to both fill new roles, and to help...
FOMO? Do you have a Fear Of Missing Out, of failing to step up and grab opportunities in business work and life? Perhaps people tell you to go and “get more confidence”, like it's next to the toothpaste at the supermarket. It's not. WT…! Well, this is What Toastmasters is For! Toastmasters is an...