Callaghan Innovation Student Grants Roadshow – 9 April, Christchurch
Helping recruit fresh skills and talent to drive innovation in your business. Are you in the market for additional staff to augment your current R&D team or access new skills…
Christchurch tragedy-related scams and attacks
From Canterbury Tech On behalf of Cert NZ we have been asked to share this press please share to your own networks to spread as wide as possible CERT NZ has…
Hi-Tech Awards
Tech, science and Mātauranga Māori: Vic Crone and Ian Taylor on the NZ Hi-Tech Awards and greater Māori representation in tech Entries for this year’s NZ Hi-Tech Awards close on Monday. Among…
Come and join us for this informal panel discussion looking at policy-centred opportunities to support the local tech sector.
When: 19 March, 2:00 – 3:00 pm About this Event Join us for a brief discussion of public policy and what can be done to drive the tech sector forward. This…
What is Cybersecurity & How Can You Protect Yourself?
Whether you’re shopping online for a loved one’s birthday or just keeping in touch with old friends, the Internet is where you will spend at least a small portion of…
Applications for incubation support are now open for the New Zealand Aerospace Challenge 2019!
Welcome to the New Zealand Aerospace Challenge 2019! We are excited about the innovative solutions that will no doubt come from this unique industry opportunity. Applications for incubation support are now…
Gamers look to the cloud but consoles stay in control
Daily Telegraph UK At the very heart of the $206 billion gaming market, the console wars have raged for decades. From the febrile nineties face-off of Sega v Nintendo to…
Fun stuff for your Club
Fun stuff for your Club Kendall Flutey on She Can Code. Kendall is the CEO of Banqer, a financial education platform that provides a hands-on environment for students to learn about money. Kendall…
So I decided to run a Code Club
So I decided to run a Code Club… “I remember the look on the kids faces when things started to work and they were working on their programming projects. I…
Code Club 4 Teachers
Code Club 4 Teachers Our Code Club 4 Teachers team spent four amazing days in Northland, running workshops with facilitators from Te Papa, University of Canterbury and Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko. Check…
Collett’s Corner
Collett’s Corner is New Zealand’s first equity crowdfunded community minded property development. It has been co-conceived, co-designed and now is the opportunity to own part of this pioneering development. The…
Victoria Toastmasters in the City
FOMO? Do you have a Fear Of Missing Out, of failing to step up and grab opportunities in business work and life? Perhaps people tell you to go and “get…
Marketing updates for Kiwi tech companies.
Read Concentrate’s February newsletter for the latest on marketing bots and other cool MarTech, how Kiwi tech companies compare to US tech companies when it comes to lead generation,…
Event submissions are now open for Techweek19!
Our new website is now live and event submissions are open for Techweek19! Techweek19 will be running from 20-26 May this year, and is the world’s only nationwide festival of…
Summer Sprint @Ara: Demo Evening
Ministry of Awesome’s Summer Sprint @Ara is a week-long startup accelerator programme for Ara Institute of Canterbury’s student entrepreneurs. The programme will assist students in developing their business concept through to…
New Zealand’s tech community picks their top trends to look out for in 2019
By IDEALOG, 01 Feb 2019 As part of Idealog spotlight on the year ahead, they reached out to a few key players in the tech industry, such as Paymark, The Icehouse, Callaghan…
The Tahi Rua Toru Tech Challenge is now open
Sign in to see how your for school, kura and code club can get involved. Most students participate in the 123Tech Challenge as a classroom activity, however you can also enter…
Applications open now for Lightning Lab Tourism
This year the nationwide business accelerator will be run right here – out of Christchurch International Airport. Up to 10 ventures will be accepted onto the programme to help build…
GGJNext – The Jam – early March 2019!
Find out how you can become involved
Global Game Jam® – Christchurch 2019 January 25 @ 8:00 AM – January 27 @ 5:00 PM
The Global Game Jam® (GGJ) is the world’s largest game jam event (game creation) taking place around the world at physical locations. Think of it as a hackathon focused on game…
Startup Breakfast Club: Financial Health
Ministry of Awesome’s Startup Breakfast Club is your monthly morning caffeine hit where you’ll find valuable social networks, gain business insight, and find the critical support to power your venture…
What lies inside Rocket Lab’s secret US military contracts?
Author Ollie Neas | Guest writer- The Spinoff Rocket Lab is a celebrated New Zealand success story, with a stated mission to open access to space and improve life on Earth. Yet…
Winners of Future City Activators Hackathon Secure Funding from Christchurch City Council
Wai Watch were the winners of our recent Future City Activator hackathon with their solution to curb Christchurch’s extraordinarily high residential water usage. After many months of working closely with Christchurch City…
AWS Startup Day coming soon!
DATE AND TIME Wed 12 December 2018 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM LOCATION Ministry of Awesome, Kahukura Building, Ara Institute Campus, Madras Street, Christchurch 8011 View Map Come and learn…
Astrolab launches $20million runway for tech startups
Astrolab is making a special appearance at Coffee and Jam on Tuesday, 4 December to announce their new startup high-tech fund to Christchurch and Canterbury innovators. If this sounds like…
The new Christchurch style: Old boys out, entrepreneurs in
The earthquakes have changed the culture in genteel Christchurch. Now it’s more about how you can contribute than who you went to school with, writes Steven Moe. I grew up…
Working together to apply AI for social good is issuing an open call to organizations around the world to submit their ideas for how they could use AI to help address societal challenges. Selected organizations will receive…
Practical Tools for Active Startups – Intensive Online Marketing Workshop
DATE AND TIME Fri 23 November 2018, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM LOCATION GreenHouse, 146a Lichfield Street, Christchurch, Canterbury 8011 As a follow-up to our recent Practical Tools for Active Startups – Online…
Launch Club: Success metrics, legal foundations and next steps Workshop
Launch Club is Ministry of Awesome‘s Startup Activation programme tailored for early-stage entrepreneurs who want to spend focused time developing their venture and defining their pathway to success. The programme…