
Posts Tagged ‘Calling for nominations for the 2018 Canterbury Tech committee’

Calling for nominations for the 2018 Canterbury Tech committee

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Canterbury Tech is calling for nominations for the 2018 Canterbury Tech committee. There are three (3) positions to be elected.

Voting will take place on 5 December or by proxy if you are unable to attend the AGM.    Each individual member or member company is entitled to one vote each.

We hope to receive a record number of nominations with a view to having a diverse, talented and dedicated pool of candidates.

Being elected on the committee gives you the opportunity to play an important role in advancing Canterbury as a tech hub, connects you with key individuals working in the sector locally and nationally, and is a great way to give back to the community.

Candidates must be current fully-paid members (corporate or individual) of Canterbury Tech.

Regardless of the current relationship with Canterbury Tech, all candidates must complete the Nomination/Application Form and demonstrate passion and a commitment to carrying out the key objectives of Canterbury Tech in helping to grow, connect & inspire our members.

Please submit your application form by Wednesday 22 November 2017 either online or by email to

We recommend potential applicants read the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE GUIDELINES