We think the area around St Asaph, Lichfield and Tuam Streets is the best urban neighbourhood in Christchurch. We are a friendly, creative and well connected community in a gritty, lively part of town including the Innovation Precinct, awesome hospitality and retail, with the South Frame and Rauora Park right on our door step.
Apart from being an acronym, SALT also stands for South Alternative.
As a community, we want to be a catalyst for positive change, making SALT District an even more awesome place to live, work, study and socialise for future generations.
The vision and action of SALT District locals is supported by an under-arching entity, SALT Collective Charitable Trust (est. 2019).
And after weeks of slog by the talented artists of Oi You street art collective (George Shaw , Dcypher DTR CBS, Ikarus, Wongi, Yikes), painting hard out up comes-off scissor lifts in the sun, a brilliant new artwork comes to life! This one tells a story about some of this area’s history of innovation. It has some tricks to play with too, so you’ll want your smartphone handy. Discover it along Cotter’s Lane, between SALT Square (Evolution Square) and St Asaph Street.