
Posts Tagged ‘What would a CBD shuttle mean for the city?’

What would a CBD shuttle mean for the city?

Friday, September 29th, 2017

From 1998, the popular yellow electric shuttles ran every 10 minutes on a set loop around the central city, until the February 2011 earthquake. The hop on, hop off service was free to use.

In August 2016, the Greater Christchurch Public Transport Committee, which includes staff from Environment Canterbury (ECan), the Christchurch City Council and the NZ Transport Agency, commissioned a report on reinstatement options.

One year and two reports later, ECan, which runs city bus services, put out a Request for Information (RFI) to companies that could provide the service. A feasibility study is due in October.

So what would this mean for our city? Would it bring in more foot traffic, boosting the appeal of living and working in the city? Or would it make no impact at all?

Read more about it here.