
Posts Tagged ‘Kiwi technology sales and marketing’

How does the Kiwi tech industry measure up?

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

The eighth annual Market Measures survey of New Zealand hi-tech sales and marketing opened today.

Conducted by marketing advisory firms Concentrate and Swaytech, and sponsored by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, the study draws data from a sample of New Zealand-based technology companies on their approach to marketing and selling their products.

This year’s Market Measures study has a sales-strategy focus, recognising the potential for greater efficiency in lead generation and conversion across the New Zealand hi-tech sector, especially when exporting.

The results will be available as a report in late October 2017. Participants of the survey will receive this for free; members of Market Measures supporters can access the report for $75 (including GST); and it will available for the general public to purchase for $375 (including GST).

Market Measures 2017 is supported by industry associations ATEED, Canterbury Tech Cluster, ChristchurchNZ, EPIC Innovation Centre, WREDA, Hi-Tech Trust, NZ Tech Industry Association, NZHIT, and Priority One.

To participate in the survey, click here.